
About the institute

Our Courses


The Symbiosis Institute of Computer Application is a non-profit making autonomous body to provide state of 
art education in Information Technology. The Institute is situated in the heart of the city. There are well equipped Computer laboratories, lecture rooms, Conference hall and a library in the institute to provide quality education. 
The teaching practice include extensive use of audio visual aids, live demonstration and software projects, overhead projectors etc.
The computer laboratories are equipped with Pentium machines in a LAN configuration which includes independent windows NT, Novell and UNIX servers. The software availability is kept abreast with the changing demands of the software industry.
The use of internet is also promoted amongst the student as a means of information tool. 
The institute is working on extensive external support from leading I.T companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, Sun,IBM etc. for updating on the latest trends of information technology.


The Symbiosis Institute of Computer Applications is affiliated to CH. CHARAN SINGH UNIVERSITY, MEERUT and approved by the Government of Utter Pradesh. 


The Symbiosis Institute of Computer Applications is situated in the heart of the city at Vijayshree Complex, 80, P.L. Sharma Road, Meerut. The institute is at a walking distance from Begum Bridge.


The institute has a rich pool of outstanding academicians having professional degrees such as MCA, MBA, B. Tech. Professors from computer science department of premier institutes such as IIT.'s and REC.'s hold select number of 
guest lectures in the institute. Beside this working IT professional, distinguished academicians and experts from the organisations of national and international repute are invited regularly to share their experience with the students.


The student are expected to behave professionally inside and outside the campus. They must be available for active participation in all programs seven days a week. Punctual and regular attendance is essential for awarding the degree.


The degree will be awarded by Ch. Charan Singh University , after the successful completion of the course. The university written/practical examinations will be held at end of semester. The internal performance shall be evaluated by the respective faculty member, which shall also be taken into account in determining the division. The internal performance of the student is evaluated on the basis of the following:
  • Classroom participation 
  • Group work & project,
  • Oral presentations,
  • Mid-term examination,
  • Reports based on training,
  • Feedback from the executives with whom they are attached on assignment by the institute,
  • Viva-Voce

The quarterly progress report of the students regarding their performance shall be intimated .


 The library of the institute has the excellent collection of books in the field of computers, management and other areas of general interest. The library also has a collection of magazines and latest journals of national and international repute. Apart from this there is a good collection of CD-ROM  modules.


The Computer Center of the institute is equipped with the state of art Pentium based machines running under different platforms like Novell Netware , DOS, Linux, UNIX and Windows NT 4.0 server, NT 4.0 work stations.


Accommodation for limited number of students is available in seperate hostels for boys and girls located in close proximity of the institute on first come first served basis.


The institute provides merit-cum-means scholarships for meritorious and deserving students. The scholarships shall be decided by a committee headed by Director of the institute