Welcome to Netcafe...The Ultimate Cyber Revolution



Here at NETCAFE experience true
ISDN connectivity on really fast
systems at the cost of 100% power
 management. With complete air
conditioned surroundings enjoy the
 benefits like net surfing-mail, E-chat,
 printing and Scanning etc . We also
 provides computer training including
short term courses for all and summer
  courses for kids . Online and off line
 practice sessions . And during all this you 
    can enjoy the cup of coffee, soup, tea or with 
chilled cold drinks  at our cafeteria .


Contact :
Mr. Veerendra Sharma
Ist Floor,Opp R. G. Degree College ,
Sunil Complex , W. K. Road
Ph. : 91-121-657675 , 668061
E-mail : veerendra22@hotmail.com
Website Address : www.meerutdistrict.com/netcafe