welcome to ajanta saree mahal welcome to ajanta saree mahal welcome to ajanta saree mahal

Bringing for you.....
                         .....The sarees that unite heaven & earth, bringing serenity to all who wear it......

welcome to ajanta saree mahal

Sarees signify a quite graciousness & dignity to please the woman who have the best of everything set for them. For every designed saree, a strategy spells out the women who will wear it .It is art , texture, & visualization of what the women would like to wear.

welcome to ajanta saree mahal

The strength of our company lies in the loyality of it's customers. We at AJANTA SAREE MAHAL are constantly in touch with our customers.That gives us chance to improve further.


Shop No. 107, Ganga Plaza
Begum Bridge Road, Meerut.
Ph.653695(Shop), 511690(Resi.)

Website Address : www.meerutdistrict.com/ajantasaree